Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Homeschool: Kindergarten week 4

We have "officially" been homeschooling Charlie for a month now. It has gone really well, despite having a "set schedule" like I would like to have. We are still supplementing the curriculum and tailoring the lessons more to Charlie and his knowledge of subjects. I am still enjoying having the bulk of the lessons prepared for me and now able to focus my attention more on the planning of the "fun" activities that we do.

We have certainly had our moments of refocusing, discipline, and difficulties dealing with a younger sibling in the mix. However, we are learning what works best and when is the best time to do certain subjects. I might prefer to get everything done in the morning in one sitting, but I know that doesn't necessarily work for Charlie. For example, his phonics lessons are best accomplished on the couch with just the two of us working together and no other distractions. Math, science, handwriting and LA can be done at any time and with little brother present. It is all about learning what works for this season in our life.

This week we played catch up a bit after spending last week with family down in the country, celebrating our beloved Grandma's life. We took things easy and did what we could. It was nice to be home and getting back to our haphazard schedule.

Charlie completed the basic lessons, Math, Science, Phonics and LA. And we were able to add in a few other fun things along the way.

He LOVES math and is adding and subtracting up a storm. He is even writing out math problems in his art work...too funny! So we pulled out the dominoes for some domino math.
We did our crafty letter of the week, L is for Lion.

Played dress up

And did lots of drawing of maps.

We also made paper mache pumpkins out of garbage bags and toilet paper

and made pumpkin spice cookies.

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